
9 Types of Interactive Content that Accomplish Marketing Goals

Since cavemen decide to draw pictures on their walls with rocks, there has been content. Many types exist, and consumers are bombarded with different content messages every single day.

When professional marketers think content, they most likely conjure up advertising, fliers, and webpages. Some may even include emails, blog posts, and videos. The most clever of the bunch understands there is a newer type of content referred to as interactive content marketing.

And it kicks some real butt in the content world.

Interactive content marketing grabs the audience’s attention and doesn’t let it go by involving the individual in the content. There are several types of interactive content ideas, and each of them is powerful fuel to fire up your marketing campaign’s success. Here are 9 types of interactive content that boosts your marketing initiatives to the next level.

1. Interactive Infographics

Types of Interactive Content Interactive Infographic

Interactive Infographic

Infographics are visually appealing and fun ways to relay statistical information. They are the white paper’s younger, prettier sister (but don’t tell the white paper!). Interactive marketing kicks the already enticing infographic up another notch. Designing areas within the infographic that move or change depending on the audience’s participation engages the prospects, and is more likely to convert them into a lead. This interactive content idea gives current marketing campaigns a facelift with little effort.

2. Quizzes

Types of Interactive Content - Quizzes example


We have probably all taken an online quiz. This type of interactive content is fun and engaging, and offers companies a way to attract their target audience, drive traffic to their website, and increase their social media reach. Design a few short quizzes that target your audience, and sprinkle them strategically through your marketing campaigns. You will enjoy increased engagement from your efforts!

3. Interactive eBooks and Whitepapers

We have all seen eBooks and Whitepapers. When done correctly, they can be a great way to educate customers, gain brand awareness, and generate leads. However, sometimes the static information is too much for a busy person to read through. Making this content more interactive is a great way to engage readers and help them absorb the information you want them to know as well as directing through your sales funnel. If you already have static eBooks and PDF’s, let us know and we can help make them more interactive and engaging!

4. Calculators

Calculators are fantastic tools to employ with interactive marketing because chances are your user is already familiar with the look and feel of a “real world” calculator. Create scenarios where you show your company’s value by asking questions and then computing a result. Calculators are fun pieces of interactive content that points the user down the sales funnel by giving them information they need about how your company can address their pain points. A secondary benefit is that calculators are easy to share via social media, so your reach is potentially huge.

5. Business Assessments

What if prospects could enter their specific information and receive a specific evaluation of their current needs? Well, voila! now they can with an interactive business assessment. This type of interactive content not only engages your reader, it coaxes their all-important information out of them, giving you a heads up on their pain points. Information gleaned from business assessments is priceless in determining which type of content will appeal to the prospect, maximizing the chances of converting them into  a lead, then a client.

6. Contests and Giveaways

Types of Interactive Content - Contest Example


Almost everyone loves winning a prize. Running a contest or promoting a giveaway is an old school way of gaining interest, and has been around a long time. Interactive content takes a traditional contest and asks participants to share your branding message with their social media audience. The result: a wide-reaching branding message to an audience that your company may have never otherwise touched.  Of the types of interactive content, contests and giveaways are some of the easiest and fastest to implement.

7. Interactive Landing Pages

Landing pages are crucially important to converting leads, so yours needs to pop with interest. Evolving your current pages into pieces of interactive content will show an immediate increase in conversion rates. Interactive pieces within the landing page creates a more personalized, dynamic experience, “buttering them up” for the call to action that will lead them on their buyer’s journey. It’s a smart best practice to direct your organic and paid search traffic to interactive landing pages.

8. Interactive Flowcharts

Sounding complex, interactive flowcharts bring tremendous ROI when used thoughtfully. Highly customized for a unique user experience, these flowcharts ask questions on the front end, and, depending on the answers, show the user questions that pertains to their distinct journey. This type of interactive content pinpoints a potential buyer’s needs better than anything has before, which keeps their focus and shortens their time to being converted to a true lead.

9. Custom Solutions

Types of Interactive Content - Custom Solution example

Custom Solutions

There are too many forms of interactive content to list out in this article. If you are looking for a custom solution or application, let us know and we can give you a quote. We have the capabilities to do any online related project that you might have in mind. We have a team that consists of content creators, designers, developers, and project managers.

Embracing interactive content ideas as a way to boost your overall marketing results is shrewd. Creating and executing one, a few, or all of these interactive content ideas will undoubtedly help increase conversion rates and improve your revenue. ContentTools is a valuable asset for businesses that are aiming to increase the power of their content marketing with interactive content. Contact us to get started today.

9 Types of Interactive Content that Accomplish Marketing Goals from Jon Matar